south charleston museum


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south charleston museum



I have visited the La Belle theater for the D Street Series several times and in February the Bob Thompson Quartet will be preforming and he is a true artist -cannot wait to see Bob and his quartet.


Very interesting place. The gentleman that showed us around was very pleasant and informative. For a local museum it showed a great perspective on the area's history. Great way to spend an hour.


Very disappointing. Promising start being in an old Movie Theatre but content lacking and no body showing any interest in visitors. Wish I hadn't bothered


This is not the right picture. That is the charleston museum in SC. They should really put the right picture up. This is in the la belle in South Charleston, and i think its a theater for plays. If it does have some facts and a couple historical items, I wouldn't call it a museum. It only took me a couple mins to find a picture of the real ,so called musuem, only to find out it was a theater. So plz put up a real picture of your business. It only makes you look bad for puting up a picture of a much nicer place, that is someone else's museum, and is no where near charleston, WV. So you could also put up your real name , which is La Belle. What you have done is wrong, and false advertising is illegal. Just for the record, I have never been to the La Belle, and won't being going. The only reason is, I wouldn't see what I thought I was going to see. I would have to go all the way to the building in the picture, which is in SC. So if you would change the picture, to picture of the actual theater, it would be appreciated. By not only me, but others who think they will be going to a real museum. Thank you so much


The SC Museum was formed in 1989 and has collected numerous arifacts and local history. In the La Belle at 311 D Street view chemical displays, Indian aritfacts and pictures of locals

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