moose park kybacka


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

moose park kybacka



The mooses here are used to people without a gun and therefore you can get as close as 50-100m from them. Dennis is the name of the male moose and his weight is about 500 Kg. The funny thing about him is that his favorite food is bananas. I have a cousin from California and the family with 2 children visited me and Kybacka for the second time in a few years this summer. The children said that It´s a real wildlife experience to visit the park. All visitors did agree to that.


Mosses are amazing animals and it's fantastic to see them up close as you do here.


If you ever wanted to get a closer look at the largest animal of the northern forests this is a good place to go to. Guided tours during the spring/summer takes you close to the semi-wild mooses that are held in this large park. English and german spoken. Cafe and giftshop, cottages for staying overnight.


Vi åker hit minst en gång per år och alltid när vi har gäster från andra länder. Parken är super mysig och guiderna är kunniga och vänliga. Alla trivs här


Tänk att få gå så nära älgarna att man kan mata dem. Plus att man inte behöver boka tid, utan bara åka dit.

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