our lady of czestochowa roman catholic church


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our lady of czestochowa roman catholic church



If you are just coming to Mass for a day, or if you live in the area for years, you will never see everything there is to see in this Church. The atmosphere forces you to whisper because of how beautiful and awe inspiring it is. There are over 100 relics in the Church, with DVDs and instructional materials available for those who want to learn more, but don't have the time to attend Mass everyday in order to hear Father reference them as they pertain to that day's gospel. Father Charles, is known to be outspoken, direct, and to the point. He is not for everybody because he doesn't preach in watered down vernacular in order to increase his flock for the purpose of increasing the tithes, but preaches the Word of God in such a way as to help you better understand what he is trying to teach you, even if it makes you slightly uncomfortable now and then. Mass is always offered on the appointed days and times. Father Charles lives next door so he will always be able to open the Church, even if there is a blizzard or other bad weather in the forecast. He believes that it is his job to provide the opportunity to come, and it is up to the people to come, or not, depending on their own judgement.


Neat old church with masses said in Polish. Actually, I haven't been there in years but I hear that Polish is still used. They were very friendly to me afterward.


My husband, teenage daughter and I decided to go to a weekday Mass at this beautiful church named after the famous Black Madonna icon in Poland. Our expectations were exceeded in many ways. The church itself is traditionally beautiful, but with icons and Polish saints, it had the feel of an Orthodox church as well. For a mid-week Mass, it was well-attended, and not just with senior folks. The priest, Fr Di Mascola had energy, verve and was inspiring and to the point. He was assisted by 12 altar servers, ranging from elementary school kids, middle school and high school kids too. What a vibrant church this is!!! Recommend checking out when there will be a service (even for non-Catholics) and go! You will be visually and spiritually rewarded!

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