belfort citadel & the lion of belfort


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belfort citadel & the lion of belfort



Maybe January in the sleet is not the best time to visit. There were no signs at the bottom to say the place - including the restaurant - was shut, there were renovations going on which meant you couldn't visit the ramparts and what information panels there were could have been better.The history of this place is fascinating, from construction by Vauban via all the intermediate improvements and the disaster (for France) of the 1870-71 war. Denfert-Rocherau's valiant defence during the siege was a morale booster when most of the French army gave up. It would have been nice to have been able to see the museum but you don't hang around in that weather. Maybe next time. And the lion itself may be very symbolic but, hey, it's just a very big lion.


Superb fortifications with loads to explore, and all free bar entry to the museum and Lion Of Belfort. A word of warning- if you park at the base of the fortifications, it is a fairly long and quite stiff climb to the top- where, thankfully, there is a panoramic restaurant providing much needed refreshments in an atmospheric vaulted space. The views are spectacular and the old town within the fortifications is well worth exploring on the way down.


This is right in the town and was a Fort from the 12th century being built on over the years. It is extremely well preserved and well worth a visit. You can walk around most for free only paying to see the enormous lion guarding the front and that takes you also to the museum.


We'd read up a little about Belfort before arriving, but the citadel and fort are incredible, with good explanations about the history. The best example of fortifications from the 17th to 19th centuries I've ever seen.


We took a little train at the base of the citadel to climb up. Very impressive view of the town below from the top as well as the Vosges mountains from afar. Interesting visit, lots of explanations re. the history of the citadel. Excellent museum inside too.


wonderful citadel city with a giant lion protecting the fortress. very cool stop on any trip. a little known town which is a very pleasant surprise.


Well worth the climb. The views are wonderful, and the Lion touched our emotions. The castle is very well preserved.


Very well signposted, but look up when you park at the arsenal or you'll walk round the town like we did wondering where the Lion was! Although the town is worth a visit for the fountains and other memorials to the seige.Lovely (long) walk up and the entry fee gives access to each of the attractions once within the year so no need to rush to complete everything in one day. There is a tourist road train which will take you up if you want to avoid the walk, or other car parks part way up.The Lion is huge and the kids enjoyed walking through the tunnels to get there.


The view is nice from the old town. Also went for a stroll after dinner which was very pleasant. My 12 year old son liked it better with the lighting at night.


The huge lion - created to mark the city's brave fight during the German siege under the French-Prussian war - watches the city. From the platform there is a brilliant view over the city and the landscape. The museum and the Citadelle also worth a visit.


As the weather was sunny and hot, we didn't want to visit the underground museum. Thus we visited the Fort and we really liked it.


well maintained fort..with history..gigantic lion..awesome entrances..ways in to i liked this fort.


Very interesting and intricate complex... took 100's of photos.Restaurant had already closed for the season.The museum appeared to be closed while I was there, but will return on my next trip to take it in


The citadel was well laid out with good interpretation signs. Our visit was short so didn't see everything.


The citadel was huge, well-maintained, with excellent walking and views. There is a restaurant and a museum at the top. It was very complete, and the drawbridge and corners should entertain children.

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