ducha de prata


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ducha de prata



Ugly place with no natural beauty, once it was made by men. Stores around are very ugly and sell many things that have no relation with the river.


Maybe it is famous because of the lack of tourists attraction in the city. But nothing much. If you have nothing to do, you can stop by, otherwise, not worthy.


Very small place and the waterfall just sucks. Few tubes with water. Really nothing special to see. But if you have time you can check.


Good to see the waterfall, take beautiful pictures. is a small place, but nice. There are few bridge for you choose better place for pics, also you can enjoy the tree climbing.


It looks like it was a touristic attraction 30 years ago. It's boring and ugly. Not worth it. I also found it dangerous for kids and elderly people.


It´s like a little waterfall in pipes. It´s just sad to see so much concrete and pipes in a place that was once a nice natural river/small waterfall.Besides, it smells terrible!


Really nice place, we visited during the city tour with a kind of truck train. Nice small waterfalls in the middle of the forest.A small market for arts from the region. Good place for a short stop!!


Nice place to visit. Good prices for small gifts. On site, there is a beautiful little waterfall for photos. On site, there are several shops that sell handicrafts, knitting and traditional chocolates Campos Do Jordao


To reach the showers, you have to pass through lots of tourist stores, and nature was not as preserved as we expected.


The place was not that beautiful. In addition to that, there was a lot of tourists making impossible to have a good moment during this visit.


We stopped here on our way to a different attraction. It's fine to see if you're passing by as it won't take too much time.


Is a funny place but definitively not an "out of the box" attraction, not a must see. Local tourism agancies tend to exagerate the charm of this attraction.


Local cheio de comércio e lotado de pessoas dispostas a gastar em produtos artesanais. A cachoeira em si não é nada de mais. Ainda tem uns canos que a deixam meio feia!!!!


Ao mesmo tempo em que vc contempla diversas quedas d`água, se permite adquirirsouvenirs e tomar um delicioso chocolate quente. Eu mereço ser feliz


Sem chuva é bonito, apesar de não ser nada de mais. Mas, com chuva, a água fica escura, cheia de terra e realmente não vale a pena!!!

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