mahogany trail


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

mahogany trail



The printed guide given at the Port Fairy Visitor Information Centre promised a walk along the beach and dunes, the track marked out by posts with "the distinctive, triangular, Alcoa Landcare symbol". We never saw a single one of these guideposts.Several times we followed unclear trails into the dunes, but they petered out to nothing. We tried looking at the area on Google Earth, but there were no tracks visible.The map provided on the guide was very indistinct and, because it was a photocopy and not coloured, the so-called track was almost impossible to make out. However, according to this map, there was a track off the beach. We just couldn't find it in reality. I doubt if it really exists.The gentleman at the visitors centre said it would take about 4 hours to get to Warrnambool. It took us close to 7 hours, mostly slogging through soft sand pitted by horse hoof holes. It was the most unpleasant walk I have ever undertaken, every step risked turning my ankle or worse.

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