

地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无






经济又实惠的屏东夜市提供旅客多元的餐饮选择分量足够却价格便宜是屏东夜市的招牌想要来吃饱要想省荷包的旅客来屏东时千万要记得来屏东夜市一趟欧!!!黑白切 炒米粉 肉圆 特别推荐!!!




位在屏东市民族路口上,各摊位配合屏东市公所之整洁规划,每天从早到晚都有营业,从上好肉粽王、鱿鱼羹、鱼肉羹、米粉炒、蚵仔面线、肉丸、天妇罗、蚵仔煎、清蒸油炸肉丸、珍珠奶茶、广东粥、日式寿司、关东煮、各式火锅、小吃、豆花、水果、饮料、进来凉全台只有一家屏东在地传统冰店-创立于民国38年,54号摊之猪头夜市快餐更是40多年的老店,28号摊之阿狗切仔担也有60年历史,各摊位各具特色,享尽人间佳肴,且价钱更是便宜又大碗。屏东市民族夜市营业时间:17:00 凌晨 1:00,部分店家接近中午就会开店 ,全年无休。交通工具高雄、凤山走省道1 号->屏东市区->走建国路转自由路->再左转复兴路桥接中正路->即可抵民族路夜市。搭客运或火车抵屏东火车站->出站后直走中山路->见民族路右转续行->约5分钟即可抵达。停车场:可在光复路、民族路或复兴路桥下转入停车。


Always love visiting Taiwan night market. This Kenting Main street one is a good mix of food and shopping choices. Love the pizza at the end of the main street. Yummy and cheap.


It also called Kenting Main Street! and many local food that you can find in here. however for those who wanna buy some nice and cheap fruit , you may not find in here. you can ask your hotel/ hostel host and go SuperMarket in HengChun Town!u can find all such of fired food. and one very lovely "lemon shrimp" is a must try item ^.^


Try the deep fried Oreo. It isn't local or asian, but its heavenly. Lots of good snacks and finger food. Don't look for one big meal, just eat and walk and repeat.


We chose to eat at the night market for dinner one night. This way we would be able to have a wide variety of the food. Everything we tried was awesome. We had chicken on a stick, corn on the cob ( on a stick), fried Oreos, sweet potato fries, grilled chicken mix, ice cream in a pancake, and a Korean stand had an amazing chicken that they put on a bun with a few veggies (my favorite thing). We went at about 6:30 it was fairly busy but by the time we left at 7:30 it was getting pretty packed. You can also buy beer or hard A right in the street. We live in Taipei so we had already been exposed to night markets... This one is smaller and not as big of a variety. But still fun and worth checking out!


A visit to Kenting night market is a must. There are so many choices of local street food and also there a few bars and pubs in the main street. There are many shops that sells beach wear and accessories.


The night market is a must when in Kenting. There are numerous street food stalls selling a variety of weird and wonderful foods! Really something different. There is lights everywhere, music and the main street is bustling with activity! These street markets are all over Taiwan and a must visit for anyone visiting!


The night market was very lively on Saturday but rather quiet on Sunday. However, it’s good to hang around anyway as there were not many night life choices in Pingtung.There were many carts selling local street food. We tried a cold drink called ‘frog eggs’, which was a mix of tea, milk and brown sugar tapioca mini-ball, and this was the best taste per our Taiwan experience. This cart could be easily recognized as the owner put up many photos showing her celebrity customers. We also liked other local food, such as barbecue squid, deep fried smelly bean curb. Apart from street food, there were many restaurants as well. We tried a Thai cuisine and the lemon steam fish was very delicious.


台鉄屏東駅から徒歩5分ほどにある夜市です。夜市と言っても昼も開催しています。(夜の方が開いている店が多いです) 食べ物の屋台が中心で、物価も大都市の夜市に比較して総じて安めです。屏東自体、観光で行かれる方は少なく、訪問する機会の少ない夜市だと思いますが、夜市マニアの方は是非トライして頂きたい夜市ですね。




Le night market est grand et très animé avec de nombreux stands de nourriture, de souvenirs, de vêtements, de jeux de foire... beaucoup de restaurants bon marché avec un grand choix de type de cuisine (poisson, chinois, thai, italient, français...), quelques bars, pubs et discothèques. L'atmosphère fait vraiment vacance mais il y a vraiment beaucoup de monde et il est dommage que la rue ne soit pas pietonne car la circulation très importante au milieu de la foule casse un peu l'ambiance.



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